Working with Epilepsy

Having epilepsy does not mean that you cannot work. Although, some jobs will be unavailable to you and in some cases you may have to put steps in place to support you.

The type of seizures you have and their severity will affect the work that you can do. You need to take into account if your seizures will put you or other people at risk in the workplace.


The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Equality Act 2010 are two important pieces of law that apply to employment. They cover how employers can make the workplace safe for employees and stop you being discriminated against. It also means if you develop epilepsy while you are employed your employer can not just fire you without trying to put steps in place to support you staying in work.

Reasonable adjustments to support you in work include:

  • Avoiding shift work or shifting your hours if seizures are caused by tiredness
  • Make changes to the building or your work space to make it safer for you
  • Allowing time off so you can go to medical appointments
  • Getting or changing equipment so it is safe for you to use

Studies have shown that most people do not have a negative attitude towards people with epilepsy so you should not feel worried about starting work with the condition.

Which jobs can I not do?

If you currently have epilepsy you can not join the armed forces, but if you had it when you were 5 or under or have not had a seizure for over 10 years you may be able to join.

Jobs that require you to drive may be off limits depending on your epilepsy. See Driving with Epilepsy for more details.