Epilepsy Support Groups
The following epilepsy support groups and links to them are third party websites. UCB is not responsible for the content or functionality of these websites.
The following support groups provide great resources and information for people with epilepsy as well as their friends and family.
Website: https://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk
Email: enquiries@epilepsysociety.org.uk
Address: Epilepsy Society, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire, SL9 0RJ
Helpline telephone number: 01494 601 400
General telephone number: 01494 601 300
Website: https://www.epilepsy.org.uk
Email: helpline@epilepsy.org.uk
Address: Epilepsy Action, New Anstey House, Gate Way Drive, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7XY
Helpline: 0808 800 5050
Website: https://www.youngepilepsy.org.uk
Email: info@youngepilepsy.org.uk
Address: Young Epilepsy, St. Piers Lane, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6PW
General telephone number: 01342 832 243
Helpline telephone number: 01342 831 342
Website: https://www.epilepsyresearch.org.uk
Email: info@eruk.org.uk
Address: Epilepsy Research UK, CAN Mezzanine, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR
Helpline: 020 3096 7887
Website: https://www.epilepsyscotland.org.uk/
Email: contact@epilepsyscotland.org.uk
Address: Epilepsy Scotland, 48 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 1JL
Helpline: 0808 800 2200
Website: https://www.epilepsy.ie
Email: info@epilepsy.ie
Address: Epilepsy Ireland, 249 Crumlin Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 RW92
Telephone: +353 1 455 7500
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