Generalised Myasthenia Gravis (gMG) Generalised Myasthenia Gravis (gMG)

Generalised Myasthenia Gravis (gMG)

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What is it?

If you have Generalised Myasthenia Gravis you may find that your symptoms are unpredictable and impact your day-to-day life. Symptoms can vary by person, and by the day or even hour. Triggers such as emotional or physical stress, infections, certain medications, or even fluctuations in the weather can also exacerbate symptoms. With the eye muscles often affected first, you may experience double vision and droopy eyelids. You may also develop difficulty speaking, or have problems swallowing. With symptoms often worsening throughout the day, getting plenty of rest can be helpful.

About half of people with ocular issues related to Ocular MG will develop Generalised Myasthenia Gravis within a year.

Symptoms of MG

Symptoms of MG

Think you may have Myasthenia Gravis? Here’s what to look out for.

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Treatment for MG

Treatment for MG

What can you do to alleviate your condition, and what treatments are available?

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Diagnosis of MG

Diagnosis of MG

If you are experiencing symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis, here’s how to get a diagnosis.

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If you are concerned about anything you have read in this article, please seek advice from your healthcare provider.
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IE-N-DA-MG-2300008. November 2023
This website has been created and funded by UCB Pharma Ltd

Images used are not of real patients.