Treatment for Myasthenia GravisTreatment for Myasthenia Gravis

Treatment for
Myasthenia Gravis

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The type of treatment will depend on your age, general health, symptoms, and severity of the condition. There are many effective treatment options available. While there is no cure for MG, the outlook for most people who are diagnosed with MG is positive.

Some of these medications may not be approved for use in Myasthenia Gravis in your area. Please consult with your healthcare provider.

  • Drugs such as Pyridostigmine can reduce muscle weakness and control symptoms
  • Immunosuppressant treatment (IST) with the following can lessen symptoms:
    • Corticosteroids such as prednisolone
    • Non-steroidal ISTs
  • Immunomodulation replacement treatments can improve quality of life for people with MG, including
    • Immunoglobulin, a blood product given intravenously or subcutaneously which can slow the immune system’s attack on the nervous system
    • Plasmapheresis, a treatment where antibodies from donated blood replace the abnormal antibodies, reducing muscle weakness
  • Biological treatment with infusions of monoclonal antibodies, such as Rituximab
  • Surgery may be recommended to remove the thymus gland, which produces abnormal antibodies in people with MG, reducing the need for steroids

If you have been diagnosed with gMG, there are lots of options available for conventional therapies alongside maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Treatments such as drugs, surgery or other therapies can be used alone or in combination.

You can also alleviate some less severe symptoms with good self-care. Get plenty of sleep, rest your eyes, and rest your body. Take a healthy amount of exercise, pace your daily activities, eat healthy foods, and manage your stress levels. Thinking about how you approach life and taking steps to look after yourself will all contribute to a better quality of life.

Your healthcare provider will help you decide which therapeutic approach is right for you, depending on the status of your condition, which muscles are affected, and your age. They may also consider your health history and other medical conditions before recommending treatment.

If you are concerned about anything you have read in this article, please seek advice from your healthcare provider.
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IE-N-DA-MG-2300009. November 2023
This website has been created and funded by UCB Pharma Ltd

Images used are not of real patients.