Blood TestBlood Test

Blood Test

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Blood tests are commonplace for healthcare providers trying to determine specific types of gMG. Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies play a role in muscle movement. With 80-85% of people undergoing a diagnosis for MG testing positive for the AChR antibodies, a blood test can effectively help a healthcare provider to confirm a person has MG. Where a positive test will support the diagnosis for MG, for a negative test - something known as an Anti-MuSK (muscle-specific kinase) antibody test may be necessary. Around 6% of people who test negative for the AChR antibody test can test positive for Anti-MuSK antibodies.

If you are concerned about anything you have read in this article, please seek advice from your healthcare provider.
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IE-N-DA-MG-2300009. November 2023
This website has been created and funded by UCB Pharma Ltd

Images used are not of real patients.