Living with MGLiving with MG

Managing Myasthenia Gravis (MG)

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Living with the Condition

If you have recently been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, you will probably have lots of questions. Discover more about MG through consulting with your healthcare provider and by connecting with support groups in your area.

MG is unpredictable and is a changeable condition. If you have MG, you may notice that your symptoms gradually worsen over time. In particular, your speech, swallowing and general fatigue may become more severe. While this can be worrying, with a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan, many people with MG are able to sufficiently control their condition.

There is currently no single cure, but many sufferers of MG respond well to therapies and achieve a reduction in symptoms or even remission. Most people who manage the condition within the first three years are likely to effectively control symptoms with treatment and/or medication. If your healthcare provider has recommended surgery such as a thymectomy, the outlook is often very positive – with many patients recovering fully.

Every person newly diagnosed with MG will experience the condition differently. Your healthcare provider can answer any medical questions you may have and help you decide which treatment plan is right for you. They will support you with ongoing therapy for the condition and discuss solutions to suit your needs.

Living with MGLiving with MG

How to control your symptoms day to day

By learning about Myasthenia Gravis and gradually adapting your routine, you can significantly improve your quality of life. Living with a condition like Myasthenia Gravis means living with uncertainty. Further to diagnosis, you may experience daily fluctuations in energy levels and muscle strength. There are learning and coping skills you can adopt to alleviate your condition and make yourself more comfortable, as well as asking for help when you need it.

You may have concerns about how the condition and the unpredictable changes might impact you and those around you. Make quality of life your focus and embrace some known techniques to help you. There are a number of recommended approaches to living with MG, such as activities to avoid and ways to boost your physical and mental endurance, like a balanced diet and moderate exercise.

Here are our tips for improving your lifestyle if you are living with MG.

  • Manage symptoms throughout the day by conserving energy, planning activities that take more time or require more strength
  • Most people with MG can lead an everyday life with a diagnosis and correct treatment management. The disease does not lessen life expectancy, but the quality of life may be affected. Sufferers can experience a temporary or permanent period without any symptoms. Surgery to remove the Thymus gland can improve symptoms
  • Triggers to avoid include anything that will aggravate your symptoms, such as mental or physical stress, changes in weather, infections and certain drugs
  • Moderating body temperature so that you are not too hot or cold can lessen the intensity of symptoms
  • Avoid alcohol and certain drugs, including beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and some antibiotics
  • Good nutrition is important for everyone. Eating as healthy a diet as possible will support general energy levels
  • Invest in self-care, such as maintaining a regular exercise regime with reasonable goals, getting enough sleep or daily naps, and finding ways to reduce stress
Prognosis of Myasthenia GravisPrognosis of Myasthenia Gravis

Prognosis of Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis generally doesn’t get worse with age. For some people, symptoms will lessen over time. If you are diagnosed with MG, you may have concerns about life expectancy. With a proper treatment plan, most people with MG find their muscle weakness improves, allowing them to lead normal lives. Long-lasting, stable remissions are the goal of treatment.

Early diagnosis is key to receiving effective treatment with the best outcomes. The first three years of the condition are often the most difficult for many people as this is when symptoms first emerge. You may need to try several different therapies before landing on the treatment that suits you. The right treatment plan that manages your MG, along with finding balance to support your day-to-day life, will likely be a process. Talk to your healthcare professional about medications and how to control any associated side effects.

If you want to know more about getting a diagnosis and the types of treatment for MG, explore our resource library.


Symptoms of MG

If you are noticing symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis, here’s how to get a diagnosis.

Read more
Types of MG

Types of MG

With several types of Myasthenia Gravis, which one is affecting you?

Read more

Treatment for MG

Find out about the types of treatment available and how to get help.

Read more
If you are concerned about anything you have read in this article, please seek advice from your healthcare provider.
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IE-N-DA-MG-2300011. November 2023
This website has been created and funded by UCB Pharma Ltd

Images used are not of real patients.